Privacy Police

The on line Privacy Policy was created to reaffirm our commitment to your security and privacy. As this policy may be updated, we recommend that it be consulted periodically. You can visit our website and learn about the products, check our promotions, read articles and texts in general, without having to provide any personal information. But, if there is such a need, this policy seeks to clarify how we collect and treat your data.
1. Any information provided by users will be collected and stored in accordance with the strictest standards of security and reliability;
2. All information collected from users travels using a standard Internet encryption process;
3. Personal information provided to us by users will be collected through ethical and legal means. This collection may have one or more purposes, for which our users will be informed;
4. Users will be warned about data collection and about the consequences of their decision, being at their discretion whether to provide them or not;
5. Unless we have a legal or judicial determination, user information will never be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than those for which it was collected;
6. Access to the information collected is restricted to authorized employees, for the proper use of this data. Employees who misuse this information, violating our Privacy Policy, will be subject to the penalties provided for in our disciplinary process;
7. We will maintain the integrity of the information provided to us;
8. Our sites contain links to other external sites, whose content and privacy policies are not the responsibility of PinkLemon. We do not have access to the information collected by "cookies" (*) present on these sites;
9. You can request the deletion of your data by following the instructions on this link:

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